Energy Master Planning

Energy Performance Contracting (EPC)

Energy Management Consulting

Energy Master Planning

Energy Master Planning covers a wide range of services we can offer depending on the needs and desires of the client. The options listed below increase in effort, time, complexity, and cost. Each of the options can be customized to fit the needs of the client.

Energia Benchmarking Analysis

The results of this analysis will help determine the scope of any further assessments. Activities include:

Data Collection and Analysis

  • Gather and analyze utility bills and energy consumption data.
  • Complete a benchmarking analysis of energy consumption against similar buildings to determine if more in-depth analysis is likely to result in meaningful energy savings.


  • Conduct a virtual meeting with executive leadership to review the results of the analysis.

3 Energy Plan Options

Option 1: Energia Financial Assessment

This assessment is focused on providing a broad overview of buildings’ energy performance and identifying initial opportunities for energy savings, without requiring extensive data collection or detailed engineering analysis. Activities include:

Data Collection and Analysis

  • Gather and analyze utility bills and energy consumption data to establish a baseline understanding of the building’s energy usage patterns.
  • Complete a benchmarking analysis of energy consumption against similar buildings.

Facility Audits

  • Conduct a walkthrough survey of sample buildings to identify energy savings measures and assess the condition and efficiency of existing equipment and systems, such as HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning), lighting, and building envelope.
  • Interview building occupants and operators to understand their concerns and gather additional information on energy usage practices and occupant behavior.

Energy Saving Measures Analysis

  • Identify low-cost and no-cost energy-saving opportunities, such as operational improvements, maintenance practices, and behavior modifications.
  • Identify potential energy savings measures, such as equipment upgrades, building envelope improvements, advanced HVAC controls, and renewable energy systems.

Procurement and Funding

  • Identify procurement options.
  • Identify applicable rebate, incentive, and grant opportunities.


  • Develop a report that identifies opportunities for energy savings, environmental impact, and recommends energy savings measures. The report will also include a qualitative assessment of the potential cost savings and other benefits of each measure.
  • Present the Energia Financial Assessment to executive leadership and governing boards.

Option 2: Energia Comprehensive Assessment

This type of audit involves a more comprehensive assessment compared to an Energia Financial Assessment, with a focus on providing actionable recommendations for improving energy efficiency and reducing energy costs in the building. It includes a detailed analysis of energy consumption patterns, building systems, and operational practices. This assessment provides a deep understanding of energy use and identifies specific energy savings measures with potential cost savings and performance improvements.


  • Conduct an initial meeting to review the objectives of the comprehensive assessment, data needs, logistics, schedule, milestones, and answer questions.

Data Collection and Analysis

  • Gather and analyze utility bills and energy consumption data to establish a baseline understanding of the building’s energy usage patterns.
  • Complete a benchmarking analysis of energy consumption against similar buildings.

Facility Audits

  • Conduct a detailed walkthrough survey of all buildings to identify energy savings measures and assess the condition and efficiency of existing equipment and systems, such as HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning), lighting, and building envelope.
  • Interview building occupants and operators to understand their concerns and gather additional information on energy usage practices and occupant behavior.

Energy Savings Measures Analysis

  • Identify low-cost and no-cost energy-saving opportunities, such as operational improvements, maintenance practices, and behavior modifications.
  • Perform in-depth analysis to evaluate the performance of building systems and identify potential energy savings measures, such as equipment upgrades, building envelope improvements, advanced HVAC controls, and renewable energy systems.
  • Provide a detailed cost-benefit analysis for each recommended energy-saving measure, including estimated implementation costs, energy, and operational savings, and return on investment.

Procurement and Funding

  • Identify procurement options.
  • Identify applicable rebate, incentive, and grant opportunities.


  • Develop a comprehensive report and prioritized list of recommendations for implementing energy savings measures and optimizing building performance and documenting the environmental impact of proposed improvements.
  • Present the Energia Comprehensive Assessment to executive leadership and governing boards.

Option 3: Energia Energy Master Plan 

This is a comprehensive and detailed assessment that provides actionable insights and investment-grade recommendations for optimizing energy performance, reducing operating costs, and achieving sustainability goals. This involves a thorough analysis of building energy systems and requires detailed data collection, engineering analysis, and financial evaluation. The findings provide a high level of confidence in the projected energy savings and financial returns associated with proposed energy savings measures. Activities include:


  • Conduct an initial meeting to review the energy master plan objectives, data needs, logistics, schedule, milestones, and answer questions.

Stakeholder Engagement

  • Interview building occupants and operators to understand their concerns and gather additional information on energy usage practices and occupant behavior. Review energy and operations policies and procedures, challenges, and opportunities.
  • Conduct a workshop with key stakeholders to identify district priorities from multiple perspectives.
  • Document energy goals, targets, key performance indicators (KPIs) and long-term objectives.

Data Collection and Analysis

  • Gather and analyze utility bills and energy consumption data to establish a baseline understanding of the building’s energy usage patterns.
  • Complete a benchmarking analysis of energy consumption against similar buildings.

Facility Audits

  • Conduct a detailed walkthrough survey of all buildings to identify energy savings measures and assess the condition and efficiency of existing equipment and systems, such as HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning), lighting, and building envelope.
  • Interview building occupants and operators to understand their concerns and gather additional information on energy usage practices and occupant behavior.

Baseline Development

  • Develop a detailed baseline of existing energy usage and operating parameters. This includes gathering extensive data on energy usage, building systems, equipment, and operational parameters. This may involve detailed measurements, monitoring, and analysis of energy consumption patterns over an extended period.

Energy Savings Measures Analysis

  • Identify low-cost and no-cost energy-saving opportunities, such as operational improvements, maintenance practices, and behavior modifications.
  • Perform in-depth analysis to evaluate the performance of building systems and identify potential energy savings measures, such as equipment upgrades, building envelope improvements, advanced HVAC controls, renewable energy systems, and recommissioning.
  • Utilize advanced energy modeling software and engineering analysis techniques to simulate the performance of building systems and evaluate the impact of potential energy-saving measures, where appropriate. This may include dynamic simulations to assess the interaction between different building components and systems under various operating conditions.
  • Provide a detailed cost-benefit analysis for each recommended energy-saving measure, including estimated implementation costs, energy, and operational savings, and return on investment.
  • Conduct a thorough life cycle cost analysis for each proposed energy-saving measure, considering not only initial implementation costs but also long-term operational and maintenance expenses, as well as potential savings over the entire life span of the measures.
  • Provide a detailed plan for implementing the recommended energy-saving measures, including scope of work descriptions and cost estimates.

Measurement and Verification (M&V) Plan

  • Develop a robust M&V plan to verify the actual energy savings achieved after implementing the recommended measures. This involves identifying monitoring protocols and documenting the approach for analyzing energy data to quantify and validate long-term energy and operational savings.

Procurement and Funding

  • Identify applicable rebate, incentive, and grant opportunities.
  • Identify procurement options.


  • Develop a comprehensive energy master plan document that summarizes the findings of the detailed assessment, stakeholder engagement, documents the environmental impact of proposed improvements, and provides a detailed roadmap for implementing energy savings measures and long-term energy and operational efficiency strategies.
  • Present the Energia Energy Master Plan to executive leadership and governing boards.

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